The Prophet Speaks – Our Semi-Annual Privilege

The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsTwice each year, we have a unique opportunity to study the Gospel through listening to our Prophet, Apostles, and General Authorities speak to us.  The highest hope of their hearts will be that they speak by the power of the Holy Ghost — that they will convey to us that which the Lord would have us know.  The other half of this principle is that we must have the power and influence of the same Spirit to inspire us with the true meaning of the words that we will hear.

This weekend, as we listen to the talks, perhaps we could keep a notebook handy.  Is this to attempt to write down everything each speaker says?  My suggestion is that it is not.  What if we pondered on each discourse, writing down the inspiration given us by the power and influence of the Holy Ghost about what is being said?  Could this be personal revelation?  Could this perhaps be the Lord’s will concerning us with regards to what is being said?

Should the Lord tell you something directly, wouldn’t you greatly desire to record it for future reference?

This, to me, is a marvelous way to study the Gospel: listen to the revealed word of the Lord through his representatives here on the Earth, receiving revelation of your own at the very same time.  What could be better?

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