The Two Best Podcasts I’ve Ever Heard

On the commute in to work, it is nice to listen to something uplifting.  Though there is a lot of great music available, there are also some wonderful podcasts.  I’d like to take a minute to share two that have brought tears to my eyes, they’ve been so incredible.

The first is called “Classic Speeches.”  With selections as far back as 1950, this podcast features the best speeches given in recent Church history.  At first, I attempted to make a note of which ones were the best.  Noticing that I was writing down virtually every one, I abandoned that idea.  Some of the most memorable and doctrinally rich speeches from the latter half of the 20th century and the first part of this one are all packed into this marvelous podcast.

The second is called “Legacy.”  The approach this one takes is to cover as many aspects of history that involve the Church or Church members as possible.  The episodes feature guests who have a particular area of expertise.  They then discuss many things that some folks may not know with regards to that specialty.  For example, there was an episode about Palmyra, New York.  There have been episodes about the Nauvoo Temple, the Pioneers coming across the plains, Saints who have served at war, how the Church preserves old manuscripts, the Church History Library, and a whole slew of other topics.

From these two podcasts I have learned a great many things of which I was not previously aware.  They are full of insightful and uplifting content.  They are of much benefit to anyone seeking excellent podcasts relating to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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