What Do We Know About the Mulekites?

An informative article came to my attention recently regarding the Mulekites.  What is really known about their origin and background?  What information can we glean from their brief mention in the Book of Mormon?  What became of them?  This article from the March 1987 Ensign answers these and a host of other questions that you may not even know you had.


“A serious reader of the Book of Mormon will at some point likely ask himself how much is known about the Mulekites and about the role they played among Book of Mormon civilizations.

The thirty verses which comprise the Book of Omni, although written by five lesser-known authors, provide answers to many questions.

Just prior to his death, Amaleki completed the Book of Omni by briefly recording the account of King Mosiah’s discovery of the people of Zarahemla—the Mulekites. Without this brief record we would know little concerning the conversion of the Mulekites from an atheistic people into some of the most faithful Saints in the entire Book of Mormon.”

Read the entire article: The Mulekites – by Garth A. Wilson

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