Brigham Young’s Journal Entry: January 12, 1846

As part of a continuing study about the temple, I came across a diary entry by Brigham Young, dated January 12, 1846. What struck me about this was the urgency that he was feeling. He states, “Such was the anxiety manifested by the Saints to receive the ordinances of Endowments and no less on our part to have them get the Keys of the Priesthood that I gave myself up entirely to the work of the Lord in the Temple almost night and day I have spent not taking more than 4 hours upon an average out of 24 to sleep and but seldom ever allowing myself the time and opportunity of going home once in a week.”

Can you imagine sleeping in the Temple only four hours a night for weeks? Within days of this journal entry, the Saints had to leave behind their temple.

See the following scans of his journal:

Brigham Young's Diary entry January 12, 1846

Brigham Young's Diary entry January 12, 1846

Courtesy of the Church History Library, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

From: Brigham Young’s Journal Entry: January 12, 1846

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