Conversion is a Process, Not Just an Event

Sometimes, we might get impatient with the process of having a change of heart. Reading in “Alive in Christ,” by Robert L. Millet, I came upon something that brought mental clarity in that regard. Brother Millet says, “In a way, being born again is both an event and a process. It involves a moment or a season of decision, a resolve to change and improve, as well as a process that continues throughout our lives.  We are born again line upon line, precept upon precept.  Even those who have had an instantaneous conversion must learn to live by faith, walk in the light of the Spirit, and incorporate the powers of Christ and of his Spirit for the remainder of their days.  Truly, ‘now is our salvation nearer than when we believed’ (Romans 13:11).” (Alive In Christ, Robert L. Millett, p.197)

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